How we Support

How we Support


Group cohorts will meet with a therapist to set goals and be facilitated through group processes during their time as a resident.

Individual artists will have 4-6 individual coaching sessions with therapist during their residency

Each artist will also have an opportunity to meet with an art coach to focus on art hanging, pricing, marketing and social media.

910 GALLERY Space

Artists will display their work in our centrally located Denver art space

Artists will have the opportunity to host gallery hours and workshops

Artists will be able to host first and third Friday events

Meadow Arts Place

Artists will have access to Meadow Arts Place residency during their time as a resident. Meadow Arts Place is a 40 acres property in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Artists will have access to a studio, wood shop, potters wheel, piano (among other instruments) and most importantly the time to simply create.